Otvorene pozicije za posao

About Us

Innovation and focus on quality

The company was founded in 2005, with its headquarters in a rented space with a total of 3 employees. Thanks to the constant modernization of machines, the introduction of new patents, and the constant growth of investment, company grew to employ more than 100 employees and moved to its own factory hall. Today, the company employs more than 200 people, and at its location has a kind of industrial park, which employs more than 400 people.


neo Greek. neo-; néos: new

res, rei, f. lat thing, opportunity; res pl.  world, nature;

Neores d.o.o.

Tvrtka Neores d.o.o. osnovana je 2005. godine. Od samog početka, proizvodnja je usmjerena prema specifičnom proizvodnom asortimanu medicinskog tekstila i patentiranim, bešavnim specijalnim tekstilnim proizvodima, što nam je i dugoročni cilj uz potpuni odmak od klasičnog tekstila.


Početak Neores-a.


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Stvaranje Just Breathe brenda.

Our specialities

Seamless underwear

Medical products

Sports equipment

2020. Year

Neores in the time of Coronavirus

The year of the Coronavirus pandemic will be remembered in history as a turning point in which business entities in the market were in need to respond quickly to the new situation. With changes in business philosophy and the introduction of new business strategies, there is a great need for medical protective equipment in the textile market. The beginning of 2020 was very challenging for the world in terms of combating the coronavirus pandemic and dealing with insufficient stocks and in general the procurement of medical personal protective equipment that was chronically lacking in all sectors, especially health public and private. With its long-term investments in innovation and technology, Neores responded in a timely manner to the new market situation, providing in response to the lack of medical protective equipment, new solution - Neo Intelligent Care

In addition to production, the company also distributes merchandise. This segment is covered by the exclusive representation of high-quality German fashion swimwear.

Tvrtka Neores d.o.o. traži

Konstruktora (m/ž)


  • sss /univ.bacc.ing.techn.text.
  • poželjno iskustvo na navedenim poslovima
  • odlično poznavanje rada na računalu
  • izvrsno korištenje njemačkog i/ili engleskog jezika u govoru i pismu
  • visoka razina organiziranosti
  • komunikativnost, kooperativnost i sklonost timskom radu
  • spremnost na kontinuirano profesionalno usavršavanje


  • konstrukcija
  • izrada krojnih slika
  • priprema, organizacija, praćenje i nadziranje tehnoloških procesa u proizvodnji
  • praćenje rokova proizvodnje
  • izrađivanje i estetsko oblikovanje uzoraka

Mehatroničara – mehaničara šivaćih strojeva (m/ž)


  • SSS/VŠS iz područja mehatronike
  • poželjno radno iskustvo
  • volja za učenjem
  • prilagođavanje timskom radu

Šivač/ica- 10 izvršitelja




  • stalni radni odnos
  • dinamičan i zanimljiv posao u domaćoj kompaniji sa međunarodnom komponentom
  • redovita i stimulativna primanja
  • prijateljsku radnu atmosferu i kvalitetne uvjete rada

Pozivamo sve zainteresirane kandidate koji ispunjavaju navedene uvjete da svoje ponude s detaljnim životopisom dostave na e-mail neores@neores.hr  i tina@neores.hr.

Veselimo se Vašem javljanju!